For at least 8 years I've been traveling back and forth across the US on my motorcycle and have used a WIFI/MIFI 4G LTE card through Verizon. It cost me $50.00 a month for 5 GB. But the beauty of it is that I can be in the middle of nowhere and usually get great service.
I use it to pay bills but that's really easy since I pay 95% of all bills by either credit card or direct draw from the checking account. In case of the credit card I download the monthly statement, balance my computer loaded check book, and verify the amount is correct. I then go back into the credit card company site and authorize them to draw monies to pay the bill on a date I select. Since I have previously authorized them to direct draw from the checking account no actual checking account number is displayed.
As you can see I actually pay one bill per month instead of multiple bills and earn points on my credit card that I can "cash in" for gas card, clothes, movie tickets, etc.
And,naturally, when I see a Burger King or McDonald's on my travels I do utilize their parking lot while using their FREE INTERNET. This cuts down on the MIFI card use (which I've only exceeded 3 times since I began using it)
And, the MIFI card is my Internet Connection here in rural NC