Forum Discussion

Rcers's avatar
Mar 26, 2016

Is it ok to camper plugged in all the time?

I apologize in advance for all the questions,this is my first camper and I've got a lot to learn!
I just bought a 06 Springdale 189. Is it ok to keep a camper plugged into shore power all of the time to keep the battery charged? What are the pros and cons of keeping it plugged in? Im assuming that all campers have a built in battery charger that will keep the battery ready to go,any chance it will over charge the battery? Does the onboard battery charger automatically go into a maintenance mode when battery is fully charged? Am I better off keeping it on a battery tender type of battery maintainer vs the onboard charging system? THX
  • It is OK to leave plugged in all the time if your Springdale has a smart, multi-phase converter. If it is original equipment it is more than likely a single stage converter that will eventually boil battery fluids dry leading to early failure.

    Check converter brand and model to get specs online, Randy from can suggest an easy to install replacement if indeed it is a single stage unit.

    Our rig had a single stage converter as well but all we had to do was purchase a module (IQ4) for our Iota converter to make it a multi-phase charging unit. Our rig is always plugged in when stored in our backyard.
  • You are thinking in the right direction...but, you need to determine what kind of converter you have..
    Most (but not all) converters now have 3 stages for battery charging. The 3rd stage (float) will maintain your batteries without overcharging (boiling) them...

    If you have that kind of converter, than, yes, you can leave your rig plugged in. If not, you will need to disconnect the batteries...and re-connect when they need a top off.

    Can you post the name and model number of your converter?