I've never stayed at a campground that said no unattended pets. Leash requirements, yes, which we abide by when the dogs are not inside, but never a rule about unattended pets. I wouldn't stay at a campground that had that rule either.
Our last experience w/ barking dogs was in June. The people next to us had 2 little dogs (it's usually the little ones that are the worst) that as soon as they left, they'd bark for a half hour straight. So dogs behaving differently when owners are gone are not lost on me, but unless someone is right next to our camper making noise, I know for a fact mine don't bark (we draw all blinds so they cannot see outside). Just like at home they don't bark unless someone rings the bell/knocks or is walking right along our fence.
For the record, how did my dogs (we have 3 bigger ones) respond to their barking dogs? Completely ignored them and played with each other and/or their toys we had for them. I'd rather listen to barking dogs than screaming/shreiking/crying children.