Since you think you've solved your problem, I don't know if you will come back to this thread and see this answer.
Back during what I now refer to as my Massively Misspent Youth I tried to use a piece of threaded rod as a replacement for a missing clutch rod. **** thing bent in half the first time I stepped on the clutch pedal.
Out of curiosity, I tied to look up the specs on threaded rod and wheel studs. Turns out that the average hardware store threaded rod is Grade 2 steel. There is at least one grade of threaded rod that is Grade 5.
Ordinary regular bolts are usually either Grade 5 or Grade 8. Grade 2 would be like the old stove bolts that snap so easily if you over tighten them.
I didn't find out what grade wheel bolts or studs are, but I did see some info that suggested that wheel studs are hardened even more than regular bolts are.
In short, I'm very much afraid that using ordinary threaded rod in place of wheel bolts or wheel studs is a potential accident waiting to happen.