I think it comes down to how you will use it.
Our local RV club, 12 couples until recently, about 30 over the years, has many people who switched from motorhomes to TTs or fivers, and from fivers to motorhomes, as their use changed.
We got a motorhome with the idea that when we were using it, we would be moving almost every day, and we would be living in it while moving. We got it small enough that we could use it to get around in the places we were visiting, so we would not have to tow secondary transportation. My setup for overnight can be as simple as setting the parking brake, or might extend to 10-15 minutes to hook up the power cord, maybe a water line, and move out the slideouts.
Club members with fivers don't often use them that way, more often they go out to a lake for a week or two of fishing, or haul up North to be a summer home, or down South to be their winter home. One couple tries to use his fiver for overnights while traveling, but when he does, he usually leaves it attached to the truck, with landing gear used only to stabilize. His setup and takedown each take 20-40 minutes, so use up more of a travel day.
For me, the disadvantage of the motorhome is that for a long stay somewhere, I'll want to tow another car to get around, or back into town to take care of business. For that use, I'm considering a towable RV, because towing a car greatly reduces the mobility of my motorhome.