Forum Discussion

Tacswa3's avatar
Apr 27, 2014

Must have items for a new TT owner

As I patiently await the arrival of my new travel trailer this week, I am compiling a list of must have items I will need before heading out on the maiden voyage. This is where I could use everyone's help.

I know I need a sewer hose, white garden hose and wheel chocs but that's about it. What must haves do you recommend for a successful first trip?
  • A sense of humor and a credit card with a high credit limit.
  • A good hitch and a good brake controller. Otherwise, camp near your favorite set of stores and plan to visit. :) If you only buy things as you need them you're less likely to over-buy. (Or at least, that's true for me.)
  • Consider a good surge protector....they are pricey but cheaper than repairing the damage to a fridge, television, AC and other gear if you hook up to a bad power supply. A good portable unit from Progressive Industries will be $240 or so. Do a seach on surge protectors and you will find lots of info.
  • Go to the blue bar on top of the page and click on RVing FAQ.

    Scroll down to section # 2. There is a wealth of information there.

    Happy Camping.
  • If possible, make your first camping trip in your yard or driveway.
    If that is not possible, go to a local campground.
    You will be able to use and learn all the systems on your TT while at home or close to home.
    You'll learn quickly what you need.

    When hooked up at a campground, do not leave your black tank drain valve open. Wait until the tank is nearly full and then dump and close the valve when finished. You don't want the 'pyramid' in your black tank.

    Congrats and enjoy your new TT.