Forum Discussion

Happy_Camper3's avatar
May 11, 2014

Need help finding Mobile Service Repair

My Camper is on my land in Askov, MN. I have a busted water pipe from not winterizing it properly in the winter, and the furnace does not work.

I have tried google, craigslist, and looking for a company or person that can come to where the camper is parked, and repair my camper...

Does anyone camp in that area and know a company that does this ? I is basically near Hinckley MN
  • I found a rv dealership 12 miles from my camper, I'm going to call Monday and see if they offer onsite service, thanks
  • You might want to ask campgrounds in the area that they recommend.

    As we travel, we find that those recommendations are often the best!
  • Try this web site, I never travel without it, it has every state in the good old US of A-> it is a non-profit list of every state with places that work on RVs and trailers