Others have given suggestions on trailer selection and have offered valid points, Let me suggest you consider another area. Selection of your dealer.
If you plan to remain in the area where you are currently living, check the dealers you have visited for reviews, and BBB ratings. Yes, sometimes they can mislead, many folks say throw out the one or two highest and lowest and then look at the averages, but it may offer insight.
Call each dealers service dept, posing as someone with a trailer needing repair, and inquire as to how soon they could get you in for maybe a refrigerator replacement or roof sealing. If its months, you'll know what to expect for delays. Looking at units with license plates still attached on the lot to determine how much dirt is on them can help determine how long they have languished there also.
Ask the dealers for a list of all their Fees and add on items. Unscrupulous dealers advertise low prices, but then add thousands of dollars to the final contract for items like, Shipping, Dealer prep, PDI fee, Documentation fees, these are all negotiable, and should be put on display up front, not after the price is determined.
Take some time to consider each step along the way to your purchase, I can gurantee you the dealers have, some will make it an easy experience and try to make you comfortable. Some will put their effort into high pressure tactics and squeezing every dollar from you that they can.