Rent. Take a break for a few months, see how you and wife do with the lifestyle, before making the committment to fulltiming, since for you the financial costs are not trivial.
Many move to full time RVing with prior RV experience, some jump in with cold feet, it starts as an idea. If it is a moderate cost, and going back is easy situation financially, full timing not working out is less of any issue tanit it is for a "no going back" committment. Your situation sounds closer to the latter.
Your potential situation is a lot like other mobile professions, such as traveling nurses, contruction project engineers, managers, and well paid technicians: you can move around in your work, you can do it sticks and bricks or RV, and there may not be a lot of difference in cost, one or the other.
We started out, early retirement, with a RV. My wife's idea was that we could do road trips, with orvwithout children or grandchildren, and we could do club camping. Between, we would retreat back to our home (one child stiil local) or do other types of travel, cruises and escorted tours. My idea was we could us a RV to live together on the road permanently. Turns out she was right, we got along fine in our 1800 sq ft hiuse (first time in 34 years we are home together all day) and in a cramped cruise ship cabin or succession of tiny hotel rooms for 2-3.weeks at a time. But in the 160 sq ft living space of a RV, we would get on each others' nerves after 3-4 weeks, particularly without the distractions of our familiar outside the house environment.
So find a way to give longer term RV living a try before jumping into it as a total financial committment.