JimK-NY wrote:
In a majority of areas, the police has some leeway in dealing with issues. Often overnight parking is allowed but camping is not. Is sleeping in the vehicle the same as parking or as camping? Usually no one actually knows, but if you make a nuisance of yourself law enforcement is likely to tell you to move. I have even had issues like this in National Parks. Several times I have gone to the park office to ask about staying in a parking lot overnight so I could do night or sunrise photography. Sometimes I have been told no way. Typically I have been told that camping in a parking lot is not allowed, but I could show up later in the evening and park overnight.
The laws I've seen, admittedly only a very small sampling of the many ordinances nationwide, define sleeping in a vehicle as camping or at least as something other than parking. Even taking a cat nap in a car would technically be forbidden.