valhalla360 wrote:
Pbutler97 wrote:
My awning has been out for the last 3 weeks in N central PA mountains. Last weekend we had 25mph sustained winds with gusts tob40 mph from the remains of Ian. The awning is fine.
Of course, it depends greatly on what direction the wind is coming from and if there are trees or other obstacles to break or redirect the wind.
I've seen dozens of awnings (both electric & manual) destroyed by winds. Just because someone gets lucky doesn't mean it's a smart idea.
The OP asked "Is there a way to safely have it out without destroying it? Ideally, unless it is extreme, I'd like it to be able to keep rain off my stuff."
There is a way.
Of course the naysayers came out of the woodwork, who have probably never modded anything ever, and probably have never had an awning damaged despite having seen hundreds damaged, or thousands. The same folks who say you need a 1 ton truck to pull a popup camper or you can't put a 25 lb bicycle on a rack mounted to a trailer bumper.
I have 100% confidence in my set up and it's performance is proven over the last 8 years in real world conditions.
By all means if you're squeamish retract at the slightest breeze.
OP, if you PM me I'll send you links to everything you need and detailed instructions when I get home next week.