I would like to pay cash for the 5th or TT, and finance the vehicle. However, yes I did include everything in the EST depreciation (vehicle and TT). Though I could pay cash for both, I would really not feel comfortable doing so because I would have to move too much retirement around and probably take penalties.
I am not claustrophobic from the medical definition as in an actual fear, I could sit in a closet for 2 hours if I had to. I just meant the feeling of being closed in without lots of space might wear on me.
I agree that I would want to extend my space to the outdoors. That is why I am not 100% sure how much space I really need INSIDE for just one person. I guess there really is no perfect answer for this, everyone is different.
I also have to consider if I want to get a setup that is easy to drive in the mountains, as I do really love the mountains, but I also know there are some roads and some places where you can get to mountains easily without having to make a hazardous drive.