First off, I am really excited as this is no doubt going to be a huge adventure. I am so sick of living in Texas, but just never could bring myself to leave all my family and friends. This is a good compromise.
I am absolutely sure I'd love to have a fifth wheel on a small plot of land in NM for a vacation area, even if I didn't LOVE the traveling in a fifth wheel lifestyle. So to me, start with doing what you know will like, then expand later if need be. You know I don't really need water as weird as that sounds, I am perfectly comfortable using public restrooms MOST of the time, and for showers I can use an outdoor shower or buy those cheap GALLON waters at Walmart.
I guess I've just slightly changed my tune on how to approach this is all, would like to investigate this option first, then expand onto it later. I no longer really like the idea of selling the 5th later, I want to buy something that will last me a while and that I get to keep, and I need a place to put it.
Land in NM is actually very cheap in some places, but yes sewage hookups are going to be something that increases the price. Worst case, I will just not have a water or sewer hookup and find other ways around the issue.
I am somewhat of an engineer in real life (I work on some fairly involved software that dealt with quite a lot of math), but I am an idiot when it comes to construction. I can handle electrical ok, but other than that, need to familiarize with the unit. Plus I'd like to make improvements and see how far I can go with it.
Some things I want to do:
Adding solar panels
Installing a home theater
Re-enforcing the seals of walls and adding general mods
Improving water resistance and freeze resistance