Expyinflight wrote:
... Flying J/Pilot are a hit and miss. Some easy to navigate, some not so much.
We found each one to be extremely busy....often waiting for an available pump. ... Encountered that numerous times. People are inconsiderate, everywhere.
I completely agree with this. However, that's been my experience not just with Flying J but with pretty much all of the Interstate exit gas stations regardless of brand. Even with "dedicated" services such as dedicated RV parking and dedicated fuel lanes, there are going to be issues and there are definitely going to be inconsiderate people no matter where you go.
Expyinflight wrote:
The water in the windshield cleaning buckets is always muddy, and desperately needs to be changed. Often the paper towel dispensers are also empty.
Again, regardless of brand, I can't remember the last time I found a squeegee that the sponge and/or the rubber wasn't falling off of much less clean water. I've taken to carrying my own telescoping squeegee and dawn soap.
Expyinflight wrote:
I don't care if it costs a few cents more per gallon.
I agree, within reason, I will gladly pay a bit more for easy access and clean facilities. If I can find them.
Everyone please post your Good/Great experiences with any brand, especially brands that consistently provide easy access for RVs. I would love to be able to identify a brand that consistently has accessible facilities, and especially brands that provide dedicated services such as propane, dumping, and dedicated parking. My experience, so far, has been that I haven't found another brand that has made an effort. As I posted previously, I found the Sheetz brand traveling the east coast recently and all of their stations I encountered were at least sized appropriately with easy access for entrance/exit and were clean. I don't think they had any RV centric services and I can't say this necessarily applies to all of their facilities.
As far as brands that don't work, I've found many/most Pilot branded facilities and Love's travel stops to be geared toward cars and small/short vehicle traffic flow on their "public" side. Since I have a gas powered truck, the commercial truck side isn't usually an option for fueling. I would also love to hear of publications that list/describe RV related services at any brand. I know gas buddy has a "RV Friendly" finder, but they don't quantify what "RV Friendly" means...