Forum Discussion

mtnbbud's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 31, 2015

Pre-fill water in blackwater tank?

I've had my trailer about a year and am really enjoying it. (It's an 18' 1989 Terry TT) I bought used and have been making sure I am learning all I should.

I was wondering if it a good idea to fill some water into the blackwater tank before using it? If so, how much would be prudent? (I haven't had to worry about the blackwater tank filling completely on a trip, so I have begun to be fairly generous in my use of water after using it for a BM.)

I'm also curious, is it a good idea to refill the blackwater tank with water after dumping and let it sit for awhile with some tank treatment in it? If so, how long should I let it sit this way?
  • Camping season.......fill toilet bowl full and flush (2 times) after dumping/rinsing black tank. This keeps tank bottom wet so any poop doesn't dry out. Dried poop turns hard as concrete. Also with 2 toilet bowls in tank it is ready for use.

    Winter/storage season.......drain/rinse tank thoroughly and then add some RV anti-freeze to keep tank bottom and dump valve seals wet. Water OK but anti-freeze eliminates freeze concerns

    Tank additives....
    Personally don't use them. Can't stand that 'chemical smell'.
    When tank vents, seals, 'p' traps, AAVs work there is no smell inside rv except for that moment of flushing toilet, which tank chemicals does nothing for.
    Use them if you's your rv.
    Has no effect on me
  • like Frank said, NEVER leave a black tank empty of water after dumping. it's always recommended to add back 2-3 gallons of water after dumping. you also need the water for adding tank additives.
  • You should always have about 2 gallons of water sloshing around in your black water tank to help prevent the solidification of.... solids! You never want to have no water in your black tank, EVER!!!