Forum Discussion

LLeopold's avatar
Jul 21, 2015

Pushing the Limits and My Moderation Philosophy

Originally posted Sept. 21, 2007 as a reply to the question, "Why so many grumpy people full of opinions here?"

The moderators of the Open Roads Forum are volunteers, giving of our time and talent as fellow RVers and campers, to this forum to help promote our hobby.

We are neither omniscient, omnipresent nor omnipotent (Admin might be, however). If there are rules violations we may or may not, encounter them and advise the others, so that appropriate action might be taken. We rely on our fellow members to advise us by clicking on the "Notify Moderator" link. That link also provides room for comments. It is not, nor should it be considered, "tattling" for a member to advise a moderator about a rules violation.

[soapbox on]
Let me remind you that the Open Roads Forum is a family site and is now one of the largest forums, by membership, on the internet (over 200,000 members). When you post, it is not read only by other adults, but also by minor-aged children, who have an interest in RVing and camping. The forum is for the RV consumer community and only that community. That's the forum owner's (AGI) rules we abide by.

Let me also make it perfectly clear, there are plenty of other forums with much looser rules than this one, and that the participation is, by far, much less than this one (and more than one has been shut down by the sponsoring ISP due to the excesses of the few). If you want to exercise your "rights of free speech" on issues other than RVing or camping, you also have the right to post them elsewhere. Also remember that any reference to the Bill of Rights is to limit the government power over its citizens. It has absolutely no relevance to this forum or to its rules.
[soapbox off]

Sustaining the forum rules is a primary reason this forum has succeeded when so many others have failed. If there is a perceived error in judgment by a moderator (read my opening statements), we still would like to know about it. First, contact the moderator of the forum if they already have not PMed you about it. Personally, I try to head off any confrontation by PMing a member and giving them the opportunity to edit their thread or post, or an opportunity to explain why the post should stand as is. If I get a less than satisfactory (i.e. confrontational) response, I will edit the post for them, or yes, delete the thread entirely. And yes, that is how I moderate Beginning RVing and Tent Camping; I have, from time-to-time posted my method of moderating in those forums, and yes, have been called on an error in judgment by "my" members from time-to-time; again, I am human, too. For those who are involved in Scouting, you will know what I mean when I say that I try to "follow the 12" when evaluating posts and intentions of the originators of the posts (PM me if you want to know what this means).

Each of the moderators has their own method of implementing the spirit of the moderation guidelines (forum rules). Again, when there is a question, we typically consult each other. But then, Beginning RVing and Tent Camping does not get the same amount of traffic than the other forums, so I actually have the opportunity to respond more frequently and intimately, with the members than, perhaps, the other moderators. I always welcome input from the members (as do my fellow moderators) so that I can provide a service to members who share my passion for the outdoors lifestyle. The forum administration picks its moderators from the membership based on their participation in the forum and how they are received by other members (and moderators).

Again, I state, if you have a question of the moderator regarding your or another's post, free free to contact them to get clarification. If you do not get a response from that moderator (again there may be a delay, hey we like to RV, too!), feel free to contact another moderator.

But, one thing you do not want to do; you do not want to get into a confrontation with the moderator(s), nor the Administrators. You will want to keep the issue civil. It'd be like getting into a confrontation with a campground host or the rangers. You might be "right," but will the aggravation in the meantime be worth it?

NOTE: I will allow the thread to remain open for a few more posts, but if I see anymore posts that clearly violate the Forum Rules, I will close the thread. Call it censorship if you want, but that's how I moderate. I make sure that we all follow the rules.
  • I think ya'll to a tremendous job. I like the rules of the forum, especially the family atmosphere and profanity rules. That is one reason I enjoy it so much! It's hard to find that in any media forum of any type. Much like GMandJM said, you put up with a lot. Thanks!
  • Most/almost all of the moderation is done very well......

    Then there is just plain bias moderation with unnecessary editing/deletions.

    That will not change and is what it is. Such is life.
  • "Again, I state, if you have a question of the moderator regarding your or another's post, free free to contact them to get clarification. If you do not get a response from that moderator (again there may be a delay, hey we like to RV, too!), feel free to contact another moderator."

    several times I have asked what was the problem with my post and not gotten a response. what ever I did that was wrong, I would like to know so I avoid repeating it. Perhaps why I did not hear back in some of these instances is because upon further review, the moderator decided that deletion was not warranted.
  • I think the mods do an outstanding job out of love for our hobby/lifestyle. And you can't beat the price. Thanks to all the mods.
  • I'm at a loss on where to even begin on that...

    Perhaps, It's better to just join the others in saying "Thank you for your service"?

    We're a wild, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, ill-tempered, unmannered, opinionated, unruly, verbose bunch around here. Nice of you to put up with us.

  • It is a thankless job, but I will say this, being right has a lot to do with it. And I have been on both sides of that, and will admit when I am wrong. One moderator on here will not do that at all, and that isn't any good for this forum or for the company it represents.
  • Moderation is a mostly thankless task, so THANK YOU! You guys do a great job here.
  • Sounds fair enough. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it or we'd have the Wild West in here.