This comment is not meant to be smart, simply an honest question. When you leave your S&B to go to the store, the movie or?, do you shut off your water main? Except for the RVs with the gray polybutylene plumbing, they use the same plumbing as a S&B. Some are CPVC and most, if not all, newer ones are PEX. To be fair, movement from driving down the road can obviously play a part. That will have minimal effect on PEX tho. After 30 years, the ones that concerned me the most were the gray stuff, it is not good and had some recalls to be replaced. Next would be CPVC as it gets brittle with age so movement from traveling could cause an issue. PEX is a very durable product. It is tough, flexible and allows for the elimination of a lot of the fittings needed with hard piping such as copper or CPVC.