Mik68 wrote:
SultanGris wrote:
Any dog can bite, I guarantee you there are many breeds that bite people more often than dobermans do.
Exactly my point!
You misunderstand my point. I'm not saying no Doberman will ever bite, but I am saying there are lots of breeds way more likely to bite than a Doberman is. You should really get to know one, they are the best dogs ever. Go watch some YouTube vids about them, there are tons with little kids climbing all over them pulling their ears and the Dobes don't care. They really are awesome friendly dogs unless their owners have trained them to be mean or havnt properly socialized them. Every dog will be mean and territorial if you lock it up all the time or if it's never around other people or dogs. You shouldn't single out a breed and discriminate against them because the owners are morons and you don't know anything about them except for your one negative experience. If you are a dog person or like any dogs at all and were ever around my doberman I guarantee you would change your mind about them and probably get one yourself. They really are the best pets ever and I miss mine terribly.