Yes and no AuntSmurf. I know I want a smaller vehicle because of maneuvering and parking issues. The rental units while rental do seem to get positive reviews from people with actual experience owning them. I do know there is no way I want something large like a class A. The size and expense I just can't deal with. I really want something I can drive around like a small shuttlebus or large van. We will be cramped but it's better to be cramped in our RV than cramped in some hotel room.
I am listening to a lot of the feedback and am getting some really good advice and things to think about. A small TT is an option if we end up in a van or truck but I go back to the maneuverability and parking issue. Noise and vibration issues as well as problems operating in winter temperatures seem to be crushing my current RV dreams. I really wanted to be driving while my daughter and wife school or play games and enjoy the trip thru the snow covered rolling hills of Kansas.
Maybe a van with a small TT for living in/extra storage....