Forum Discussion

5hranch's avatar
Mar 12, 2014

Research Material; JR Consumer?

Has anyone used the RV Reviews material published by JR Consumer to research RV's and if so were they helpful and comprehensive. Or any other research material you could recommend. We are looking to buy our first travel trailer and want as much info as possible before going in.
  • The RV Consumer group has more detailed info than JR. I used both.
  • I will admit that I used JR Consumer as part of my 5th wheel buying decision. It helped me focus a little more objectively on the higher rated brands and differentiate between the various levels (entry, middle, high, luxury....or something like that) of 5th wheels. Once we identified a specific brand and model that we were interested in, I ran one for that model.

    While there is much wisdom to be gleaned from the internet it becomes a little too opinionated and subjective for me to filter through.