Gene_M wrote:
Greetings everyone,
... I wasn't able to check out the water/plumbing because the owner is not going to bring it out of winterization. There was a CARFAX report that indicated it had changed owners 3 times within 5 years.
Did I do the right thing, did I pass up a good one, or am I being a little too skittish? How in depth should I be on my inspection?
Honest opinions please.
Smart move, IMHO.
Any owner doesn't want to un-winterize a coach for sale in June (almost July) seems kinda dodgy.
When you look at a coach you should be able to check everything, including all appliances and the electrical and plumbing systems.
Any owner who doesn't want to spring for a tank of LP so you can check the water heater, oven and 3-way fridge shouldn't get your money, either.
If you don't feel qualified to do a full inspection, there are mechanics out there who will do it for you for a fee.