Ever watch the movie RV ?
Well, I have yet to find a problem in the movie that someone hasn't explained the same thing happening to them. I've even done a couple myself. I seriously doubt anyone could come up with a new mistake to make in an RV that someone on this forums hasn't done the same thing. I picked up things as a kid growing up, from my dad, from camping friends - and learned more when I got my own TT.
Before that I really didn't know what questions to ask.
My best RV training experience was getting with a Good Sam group, and attending a Good Sam Texas State Samboree.
An RV Boot Camp is a great experience to learn many of the right way and wrong ways to do things. To learn to talk to other RVers, and how to recognize bad advice and good advice.
As the old saying goes
A smart person learns from their mistakes.
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others.
Escapee's RV Boot Camp - One starts in Livingston Texas tomorrow.