As others have said it depends on a variety of factors. The type of RV is probably the most critical. Some are designed to use in cold temps and some aren't. Insulation, heated tanks and bays vary drastically from RV to RV. A poorly insulated RV will burn through a lot more LP than a well insulated one. Almost all RV's claim to have heated tanks. However most of the time that claim is supported by a heat duct that is near plumbing lines. If you don't plan to use the plumbing then you can mitigate that risk. If you do, it's wise to get an RV designed for cold weather and blow the lines before and after your trip if not run 2 gals of antifreeze through. Will you be plugged into shore power? If not, do you have a generator? Batteries can die quickly and will need recharged. Temps are also a consideration. If the weather is going to be 40's in the day and 30's at night, no big deal. If it's in the teens and wind is blowing, a whole different ball game. One thing is certain, you don't always know when a pipe, fixture or pump will freeze. When it thaws it can be pretty expensive and damaging.