First: Antenna 101.. The existing antenna is designed to receive signals in the VHF-Low band, the VHF-HI band and the UHF band.. Antennas are frequency specific (Well frequency band specific) and the new Digital tv uses.. MOSTLY the UHF band, same UHF band as the old analog, along with some VHF-HI and a very few VHF-LOW. In short, they use the exact same antennas you always had.
Assuming your antenna is a Wineguard. Adding the WINGMAN will improve "On Axis" UHF reception (On Axis means in the direction the wingman is pointing).
And adding the Sensar PRO indoor module/power supply/switcher (Plus other features) to replace the existing wall plate with switch light, 12 volt outlet and antenna connection (if that is what you have) or between the switch box and the antenna if you, like me, have the box of many buttons. will greatly improve the antenna.
There are many other "Digital antennas" out there, all claim to be better than the Batwing.. A few are better than the basic batwing but not one of them beats the fully upgraded batwing.. NOT A ONE.
You do need to read the instrucitons for the Sensar Pro and for the TV to learn how to set it up and scan for stations every time you park.. To aim the antenna and such.. The higher frequency (UHF) signals are a bit more senistive to how you point the antenna. But where I"m at (Upstate SC) I have more TV than I can watch.. Thank RePlay for DVR's.