Just tried something a bit different. I had my Batwing running my house antenna because of a squabble between Dish and KMBC-TV 9. The squabble is over and I can now get KMBC from Dish.
Someone on this or another forum stated that a paper clip would work. So, I took a 1 1/4 inch paper clip, put it in the end of the cable for the tv antenna ( which is outside) and I have 8 of the 9 stations available, the 9th one is very marginal, breaks up a bit, the others are fine. The paper clip is not on the side of the house facing KC, but is on the left side with about 7' of house blocking.
I am 47 miles from the broadcast towers according to antennaweb.
Channel 9 does broadcast in HD, and with the paper clip, I receive HD and see HD.
I guess I could sell these 'HD Mini Antennas' for a few bucks, or even 'give' them away for just $10.00 S&H.