We have found the VERIZON TOWERs to give us the best over-all coverage.
Alot of users are using the VERIZON MIFI DATAPLAN and using the largest amount of DATA they can afford.
We are grandfarthered in with a older 3GB dataplan and that works great for us for checking in with the kids, paying some bills, and doing some surfing of the internet. This does not allow us to downstream any HDTV or movies as those will eat up data big time. Rule of thumb is around 1GB per hour of use.
We get by just fine using the OTA digital HDTV signals from the local towns using the free to the public National Broadcast network with our crankup BATWING UHF antenna...
The VERIZON MIFI JETPACK is very popular hotspot network. This allows you to be able to be secure and hookup to several of your WIFI ENABLED devices at the same time.
We gave up on trying to use the unsecure WIFI HOTSPOTs are the various places and what the campgrounds offers for free WIFI hookup is almost a joke. Might be good at first but as soon an the campground starts to fill up and everyone getting on the internet at the same we would start having serious trouble staying connected.
Thats when we decided to go with the VERIZON NETWORK SECURE MIFI units.
Others do it different I'm sure but this is what works good for us...
I would plan on around $50-$60 a month which can be turned off when not on the road if you like...
Roy Ken