Hello to all. I am a newbie to the rv world and wish to thank you all for a great learning experience here. We just bought a brand new 2014 30 ft Gulfstream Streamlite ! I had the opportunity to tow it home it towed really nice. Yes it will take some time to get used to it. Pulling it was the easy part backing it in on the side of my house well that's another story! Any way we put some time aside and I cut rubber shelf liners for all the cabinets and we started stocking them. My question is how do you stop the articles in the cabinets from going all over the place. Do you use small Tupperware and put those on shelves first and everything else in the tubs ? What about dishes? And the big one how do you store eggs so they don't break? I have so much to learn! Thanks for any info you can give me , prayers will be nice to! Thanks!
Over the years we have settled on several things that work for us for storing things in cabinets.
1. The shelf liner is a given
2. We try and keep some items in small plastic baskets and here we have acquired just the right sized baskets for our needs by always being on the lookout for them at places like Walmart, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, etc.
3. DW saves almost all of the very short frost colored plastic McCormick Spice jars and uses those to keep trailers sized spices in like nutmeg, cayene pepper, celery salt, garlic powder, etc. This prevents taking the much larger bottles and once the camping season is over the small jars are emptied back into the larger ones at home. The same goes for the larger spice jars like you get chili pepper, etc. in and she uses those for things we need larger quanities of like parsley flakes, etc.
4. To keep real glasses better organized and secure we use the paper/cardboard six pack carrying holders. She also keeps a cut down egg container with 4, 6, and 8 eggs so we can easily reduce the dozen size carton down w/o always cutting it down.
The biggest hint is don't try and do it all at once and just remain flexible and always on the lookout for things you could use in your trailer when normally shoping.