Bert Ackerman wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
ScottG wrote:
gbopp wrote:
ScottG wrote:
A luxury vehicle that costs $75k weighs what? 5000#?
A new truck that costs $75K weighs 8000#+.
So you get more for your money with a truck. ;)
Can we assume you sell trucks for a living :@
Ohh no! I've never been good at selling anything.
Here's the scary thing.. I bought my truck new in Oct. 2002 for $36K (sticker $42K). Now a similar truck is about 60K.
And in 2002 the median household income was $40,125, today it is over $60,000. So the increase in the price of trucks is almost in lockstep with the increase in household income. Sure wish healthcare and college education costs behaved as reasonably.
And a loaf of bread that was $1.19 in 2002, is now $1.89. When mom sent me to get it I didn't have a $75K truck. I had to walk there 4 miles in the snow, with no shoes, uphill both ways.
But you have to admit that having no shoes came in handy when you had to ford the raging river.