Forum Discussion

jabres's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 12, 2019

Terrible condensation/mold? What to use to prevent

So, I have a 2014 Keystone Hideout travel trailer. Bought brand new, was tired of used leaky trailers. I have kept inside my pole barn since day one, so never ever leaked a drop of water.
This winter, I never messed with it much, or really even went in to check on it. Just knew it was winterized, inside, and good to go. WELL, not so much. I left a few windows partially opened, and it appears I suffered from interior condensation and now surface mold in spots from over winter storage. More than just a tad bit, so really makes me mad!!
How do I control this from happening again? Rid-ex stuff? I really hate the idea to plug in a dehumidifier all winter long. Ironically the mold attached to random things like baby pack and play, skillet, and other random things that I threw out. I will be scrubbing everything else top to bottom this weekend.
Thanks in advance!