probably to late to be of much use, there should be a disconect between the panel and the charge controler. if there isn't add one. when taking batteries out you need to disconect the solar panel from the charge controler before you unhook the batteries, and when reinstalling the batteries the last thing you do is put the panel back on. running the panel with out batteries can damage your charge controler.
I installed THESE on both sides of the charge controler. that way I can disconect the panel then disconect the batteries and do the work I need to do. when I am done I energize the batteries to the charge controler again then when it powers up I conect the solar panel.
a 100 watt panel is better than no panel, but mainly it is a battery maintainer, but it will supply about 2 to 4 amps which can extend a stay a little bit.
this post most likly would have seen a lot more trafic if it was posted in the camper group or the tech area.