irish4 wrote:
Thank you everyone for your advice on this. I have spoken with the dealership and pretty much their answer was no, since I had already signed the papers and handed over the check, it is mine now.
So the good news is I got the trailer I wanted, the bad news is I maxed out on the truck.
So it is looking like I am at plan "B", start looking for another truck.
As a side note I do have experience hauling, but with a 7 ton MTVR and 50ft trailer. The reason I'm here asking this is because all I was taught was how to get it from point A to B and not accidently kill anyone, and nothing about weight distribution, hitch weight, or trailer weight restrictions.
My apologies as I read your posts as appearing to be a novice in towing a loaded trailer. I am sure now that you understand our concern about the safety factor of being able to control your load over all road conditions, as it only takes one time to regret it for the rest of life.
I think you have made a very wise decision to get a heaver duty truck....your cargo is precious as are others on the highways.