Forum Discussion

erwincm's avatar
Jun 23, 2017

To RV or not to RV, That Is The Question

Hello folks. My wife and I are planning a once-in-a-lifetime two month long summer vacation with our two 12-year olds (twin boy & girl) next summer. We have been agonizing over our two basic options for shelter during our trip - hotels or travel trailer. We do not currently own a travel trailer and have never used one before. Aside from all the obvious questions like rent vs buy and the general economical implications of our decision, I am posting this message to solicit the answer or advice from members on the most fundamental question of all:

Given our options, which choice would likely yield the most pleasurable and memorable family trip possible?

I realize most folks in this forum already own an RV and enjoy the experience or you wouldn't have purchased one in the first place. Please try to answer the question from the perspective of someone who has never owned an RV and may choose not to keep the RV after the trip is over. Of course we will likely keep the RV if we enjoy the experience but I don't want this to cloud your otherwise impartial judgement.

Thanks in advance for your help guys!

Madison, AL
  • "I think the camping will be the best trip, lots to do at a campground, cooking, hiking, meeting new people. there is always something to do"

    Rav, you, me, almost everyone on this forum...but not everyone.
  • I agree rent one and see how you like it. you could always maximize the trip and do a one way rental.
    I think the camping will be the best trip, lots to do at a campground, cooking, hiking, meeting new people. there is always something to do-
    there are some companies that rent travel trailers
  • Rent an RV for a long weekend. Then you'll know.

    Lady, "house trailer?" We are old!
  • Wow... what a decision....the most memorable IMO would be a travel trailer, the most economical one would be the hotel/motels.

    I traveled with my parents as a child with a "house trailer" (you can tell how old I am?) and I really enjoyed it. I took a 4 yr old from FL to CA with a tent... enjoyed that, too... (really!)

    But, you have a LOT of homework to do for a travel trailer, a LOT to learn and a tow vehicle capable of towing a trailer thrown in.

    The kids would probably enjoy the campgrounds, nature, etc. Mom and Dad will have a lot of work.

    Enjoy your vacation in whatever way you choose to go. Family time is what matters.
  • Why not rent one for a weekend trip close to home to get a sense of whether you like it or not.

    Buying a trailer and selling it after you vacation is going to result in a huge hit to the wallet. And if you find you don't like it's going to ruin your once in a lifetime vacation. If you decided you do like it you'll have a better idea of what you'll need to have and which trailer will suit your needs.