My wife had both knees replaced, first one, then the other 2 years later. I have one knee replacement and a plate and screws in the opposing foot. After surgery plan on a bunch of physical therapy, and do it religiously. We both were walking up and down a flight of stairs before we left the hospital, like on the 3rd day. Up and walking a bit on the first day. Probably six weeks before you will be cleared to drive, although I really could drive before that. After the replacement you just learn to do things a bit different. When I have to get on my knees, even now years after the surgery, I put a beach towel on the floor (or a pillow or something) so I am not kneeling on a hard surface. We walk, bike ride, hook up the tow car, load the motorhome, enjoy life. Life after a knee replacement is not discomfort free. Sometimes it creeks, snaps, or is just discomforting, but the pain that initiated the surgery is total gone. The people I know who tend to complain about life after knee replacement (in my opinion) did not follow the physical therapy regime required for recover. Best to you, and Happy Trails