Forum Discussion

hemicop's avatar
Jul 02, 2017

Toterhome & stackers

My wife & I are looking at doing the RV "thing full-time next year when she retires. The "problem" (?) is since we're both car enthusiasts we're going to need a toterhome/stacker trailer set-up that cam accomodate our 2 cars and be livable for just the 2 of us.
We don't need much but I'd sure appreciate any recommendations (size, engine, specialized equipment, etc.) anyone can offer regarding this particular niche of RVers. Any advice/ recommendations, experiences, etc. would be appreciated.
I'm thinking something along the lines of a 32ft or RV, Cummins powered, 10-spd auto with a 28ft stacker as a starting point. Thoughts?
  • Thanks all, for the replies! The stacker, I'm guessing, would be somewhere around 8-10k gross wt. and I was thinking about a 24-28footer. I'm also curious about servicing the 'toter. Is there any one engine or brand of toter I SHOULDN'T look at due to cost, parts availability etc.?
    This will be a full-time type of thing so I'm guessing I can find SOMEPLACE to drop the stacker without too much trouble.
  • We've got a 24' stacker that has a 4,000 lb. full lift in it. We carry one car, a harley trike and a harley dresser. We have reservations this summer to see Yellowstone, the Tetons, Moab and Durango with the stacker. Having said that if on any given trip I can get away just towing the Tahoe or Avalanche I will.

    We are pulling it with a 550 HP (up from the standard 515) Detroit. I know it's back there. Get the biggest engine you can and get the lightest and shortest stacker you can. ATC has some pretty good deals on 24' stackers.

    Our MH is 45' and while we don't full time in it, we spend approx. 8 months ear in it. wouldn't go shorter.

    At some CG's you may have to drop the stacker. It really helps if one of your vehicles in the stacker can be used to drop it (empty).
  • Don't believe any of these combos will fit in any public GC and many privates unless you drop the stacker somewhere.