SoundGuy wrote:
DSDP Don wrote:
The only way to get a guesstimate value on an RV is to find as many similar RV's as you can and then do an average. You'll get close in price and then will need to determine condition versus others and what options have been added.
Options make little difference in the value of a used trailer and will only impact the selling price if a prospective buyer for some reason has decided they really want that option, otherwise it's meaningless ... in fact, sometimes an "option" may be considered a detriment. An example - advertising a trailer for sale with an Equal-i-zer weight distribution system included would seem to be a good idea but in fact can discourage a sale if the prospective buyer already owns a suitable WD system or otherwise has no interest in the EQ. If anything that prospective buyer will insist on purchasing without the system and as a consequence have the selling price reduced significantly. Another example - I've upgraded my own trailer from a Winegard Sensar III to a Sensar IV and wired in a Winegard SensarPro but if selling the trailer no prospective owner would pay a penny more just because of this upgrade so I'd be far better off to remove these items and either use them myself on my next trailer or sell them off separately. If you've swapped out all the interior lighting with LED bulbs, remove them and put the originals back in, as there's no way you'll recoup the cost of those LED bulbs in the sale of the trailer as most prospective buyers will give this any thought at all. Some changes made to a trailer of course can't be removed - i.e. cabinet doors added to a bed platform for better access - so leave them as is, point it out when showing the trailer, but don't expect it's going to increase the value of the trailer in any way. Bottom line - remove those upgrades & modifications that are practical to remove, forget about those you can't, and base your selling price on it's stock condition as you originally purchased it.
Great point on removing upgrades as they will not bring additional dollars to the final sales price. Will definitely keep this in mind. Thanks!