Forum Discussion

Raife's avatar
Aug 18, 2020

TT storage criteria

So I will need to arrange for offsite (i.e. not at my home) storage of our new TT when we are not using it. My TT is 25' tongue to tail.

There are several places nearby, but besides price, what criteria should I be using to evaluate which places are good and which I should stay away from?

Are there specific questions I should ask when calling them for info?

Thank you.
  • I know you've already found your spot but for anybody else still reading...

    We store at home now but when we were at a lot, it was outdoors, but the manager lived at a house on site right next to the gate with his wife, he was a former full time RVer so he actually could help do repairs soemtimes, each tenant had a gate code only known to them to get both in and out, and they also had a lot of feral cats running around (no issues with mice). And of course good video surveillance.

    Also having wide aisles was nice since the parking was tight.
  • take all food out. buy some peppermint oil put droplets every where inside outside keeps critters out.
  • Sjm, if a storage facility didn’t limit their liability to zero for hit and run they’d be run out of the business.
  • So apparently, like actual RV units, storage units are scarce right now as well. We were able to get a fully enclosed unit nearby until a the construction on another block of enclosed units becomes available at our longer term option.

    Thank you for the help.
  • Who is responsable for damage. So if someone hits your camper and takes off.
  • All good points of input from BurbMan. Two others that jump to mind are accessibility and surface. Is it concrete? Overgrown grass that houses critters and snakes? Also, what does the back-in look like? Is it tight up against storage facilities and between two long trailers, making access difficult, or do you have more opportunity to straighten out and back in?

    Our current lot has been good, but I grow tired of having to have a spotter with me every time I park it in order to avoid getting out 5 times to check my blind corner while backing in on an angle.
  • Obviously security and access, but #1 is surveillance. In a busy storage facility it's more common for batteries and LP tanks to go missing and/or some new guy backing his trailer for the first time backs into yours. If you plan to go out frequently ask about access to electric so that you can plug the TT in and leave the fridge on. If not consider a small solar battery maintainer (which may grow legs...)

    Some lots only have a camera at the gate so if your TT gets stolen they can see the truck that towed it away, but anything else is "off the record". I would want 24/7 cam coverage so if anything else goes awry there's a record of it.

    Also consider joining your local camping/campers FB page or community page and ask for recommendations from other RV/boat owners. Any of your neighbors store an RV or boat somewhere?