Lilrhody wrote:
We want to get a tv for our travel trailer. It has a wall bracket installed already. Do we need to shell out for the more expensive "rv tv" (Jensen??) or will any lightweight flat screen work?
I highlighted the answer, Any reasonable flat screen will work, I have 3, one Dynex, one "No name" (Sansi???) from Wal*mart and one Samsung
All 3 work,, one thing though, some have better receivers (not an issue here but it can be) so some may outperform others if you are on the "Fringe" signal wise and using OTA, I'm on OTA via adapters and DVR's (The DVR's are vintage and thus need adapters) + Cable, if you are on Cable or Sat fringe is not an issue.
In my case the DYNEX was bought from a pawn shop it was chosen to fit the opening it fits like a glove, that was the ONLY consideration (that and price, pawn shops are low cost)
The Samsung was a floor model that had no remote (They lost it) I had a Samsung remote left over from an older one, same codes.
The No-Name was a black friday job from Wal*mart.
All work great.