Forum Discussion

RVerDiane's avatar
May 27, 2013

water pump not turning off

I was out in my MH today doing some cleaning. I just recently dewinterized. While cleaning today the pump would not turn off unless I turned it. My MH is a '94 and I would assume the pump is original but I don't know for sure--no records.

Where do I start?

Thanks for any help/suggestions you may have.
  • Do you have a pump bypass used for winterizing. When we got our new trailer the bypass was open. The pump never shut off and there was low water pressure in the bathroom. Because the end of the hose was hidden away the only way we figured it out was when water started coming out from behind the converter.
  • Check for leaks first as others have said but it could be the pump or pressure switch.
  • We had the same problem and it turned out a fitting was loose, allowing air into the line so the pump couldn't attain full pressure.
  • If the pump will not turn off it is sucking air from somewhere. Check the filter that should be on the intake side of the water pump (right there at the pump) and see if the cap is on tight. Then start looking for leaks. After de-winterizing did you put all valves back to operating position?
  • Outside showers frequently go leaky. Particularly in the Spring.
  • You have a leak somewhere. Check the outside water connection. If the check valve is bad it will be squirting out.