Forum Discussion

path1's avatar
Mar 11, 2016

Water safety question…

Where we camp usually with inlaws, the water supply is a spring that comes out of ground into a big water tank, via garden hose. Maybe 300 gallons in size. This last year Forest service put in a bigger tank but they ran a regular metal pipe out of the ground directly into the tank. No longer can we just lift the hose from the tank and fill our water bottles. Now we are just like the other animals that also use it. A big “horse trough” type thing is what it now looks like. We used to fill up fresh water tank about twice a week.

According to brother in law the water tank was “improved” so that forest service fire people could also use it as a water source.

Before this summers trip I would like to make something that filters out anything that’s bad. n other words I don't want to drink out of the same bowl as the critters.

Any ideas to make sure we don't get any cooties, besides boiling water?

We’ve got 110 elec from generator and 12 volt.
  • I'd be leary of drinking the untreated spring water if it isn't being tested regularly. The water now may be just as "safe" as it was before.
  • Not sure where you are camping, but it sounds like a boondocking spot.
    If it is a regular USFS campground (that charges a fee) they have to test the water on a regular basis to ensure that it is potable.

    If not, they likely didn't encourage people to use it for drinking and having water sources for fire is an important consideration for them. That said, it seems like they should have provided some option for people to still get water directly from the ground source, rather than dipping into the tank.

    You can certainly purchase filters that allow you to take skunky water with all kinds of junk in it and turn it into safe, drinkable water...but they are not cheap. Berkey is an excellent brand and they make several sizes.

    Here's a link for you:Berkey Filters website
  • Sounds like the forest service didn't make potability a consideration.
    Was an old guy lived down the road when I was a kid. Every once in a while he would drag a dead woodchuck or other critter out of his well. He was old so I guess it never hurt him.
    Personally I wouldn't take a chance. Looks like you got to clean it somehow.