I'm from up North and here is what I learned about how the weather works being in the South for Winter.
Unlike the Northern States where when the sun goes down so does the temps. In the South the temps drop right before dawn and ONLY for 2 or 3 hours!.
BIG difference from how the weather works up North where if they predict 20 degrees you get bet your long johns that once the sun goes down the temps will race to 20 degrees and STAY there until sunrise.
Last Winter Florida had it's share of just at freezing nights. At worst your hose leading to the RV will freeze, maybe! I have never had anything freeze inside the RV even with no heat on.
Also the hose will thaw in about 15 minutes when the sun comes up. If you can't wait the few minutes for it to thaw, disconnect and drain the hose before you go to bed. :W
Still love it when the locals freak out when the temp goes to 32 degrees for a whole 2 hours! They need just one night in Wisconsin in winter to appreciate how good they have it! :B