A great tip I heard here several years ago was to give your RV a man's name. We call ours Mobi (work in tech industry). We always refer to our RV as Mobi. In our family you will hear "the wife is taking Mobi and the kids to Campbell River for the weekend."
If you name your RV George or Fred, Bob etc and always refer to it by name, people overhearing conversations will assume you are talking about a male partner.
As in "I am taking George to Banff". "George has not been to Wyoming yet" You get the idea.
I travel with a dog, but only because I have a dog, I am not sure that I would get one only for the purpose of rving. Our dogs have people names. The last one was a female. Cassie did not like strangers and no one could have approached the family or the RV if the family was in it. Oscar is a little mutt and loves everyone, no protection from him, but we do know if someone is approaching as he gets excited (not barking, whining to play with new people or dogs).
Other basic safety advice:
Camp in your driveway the first couple nights.
Plan on arriving during daylight hours.
Be aware of your surroundings, move on if you do not feel comfortable
Camp with a group of friends or a camping group (there are lots with various interests) at least the first few times.
In 30 + years of camping first in tents, now in an RV we have twice felt unsafe and called the RCMP. One time a group of drunks had a gun in a campground (illegal in Canada). The second a group of drunks kept the campground up most the night with music, hooting and hollering and setting off fireworks. Both times we were tent camping.
We have not taken our RV into the US yet.