The OP's question is easily answered. There is one consumer-type coffee maker that is the absolute exceptions...
TechniVormYouTube clickyWe are the actual definition of a coffee snob. Grinding our own organic beans, being able to distinguish between different aromas and textures. We use the TechniVorm every single day in our home, and have done so for several years. It is simple, does not break, makes the perfect and most consistent coffee you've ever had every time, perfect temperature, 7ish minutes from start to finish. I can go on and on. Arguably the best appliance purchase we've ever made. Now, we use a simple Mr. Coffee in the camper, and my goodness, the difference is dramatic.
Keurig is junk. Spend a few minutes on Google looking at how disgusting and unsanitary the machines get. Want fresh coffee? Well then you'll avoid pre-ground beans in a sealed plastic cup like Keurig is famous for. You might as well fill your cup at a truck stop. Even the do-it-yourself Keurig cups can't get the temperature or ratio right. Anything you buy at Starbucks is pretty much bantha fodder. Maxwell House, Folgers, or anything like that isn't even good enough for my dog.
Haters gonna hate, but once you've lived the life of good coffee you'll never go back.