Keureg sucks, very bottom of the coffee ladder. I don't include instant, because it is a very poor substitute for coffee.
At home I use a drip grind for our utility use.Not great but acceptable. Camping we use a percolator.
If only making a couple of cups French Press is the only way to go.
For those that say it is to messy, do you not make love because of the mess?? Sometimes reaching nirvana has a trade off and if a bit of clean up is the cost,so be it.
I roast my own beans, sometimes organic sometimes not but always fair trade.
I like 3 fifths of a Columbian 1 fifth Ethiopian dry process and 1 fifth Guatemala Huehuetenango.
I usually will roast about a pound and a half,when that is gone we will find a local roaster.
I try not to be a coffee snob, but with a coffee shop on every corner, you know it all can't be good!