I always used 4" here on N C for a residential driveway. If you have a lot of freeze thaw you may need 6 ". Might want to check the code. Important as how thickare:
1- What are you putting in over? If a solid subsurface like packed gravel or packed soil much better than a loose sandy soil etc.
2- Use fiberglass mesh or wire reinforcing to reduce cracking
3-Be sure you have proper expansion joints / breaks ever so often to control where it cracks. Most all concrete will crack over time, you want it to crack in the joints not random
4-Don't water down the mix to much when pouring it. Too much water will make 3500psi concrete turn into 2500psi etc. Supplier can advise you on this
5- wait proper time before using it. I think 100% cure for rated strength is 21 days.