We put 80,000+ miles on our 10 Edge. We towed it at least 15,000 miles not on the odometer.
No problem except left the key in the accessory position, twice, instead of all the way back.
When I first heard of potential problems I watched the Edge like a hawk. The Dealer serviced it regularily and checked the trans for me, at my request several times.
We started and ran it more frequently than recommended by Ford.
We did have to replace the right rear axle bearing twice. last one out of warranty even though we complained while it was still under the 1 year warranty for original replacement. I have bad hearing and I heard it but they have to hear it.
We always carry a portable inflater/battery jump start outfit. It stays plugged in the cargo area to make sure it is always charged up just in case and a 20 ft jumper cable set.
We haven't towed the 13 yet. Just follow the manual, instead of me getting it wrong. Be sure to turn off the headlights just in case you are towing after dark. done that too many times with the Saturn.
We have a RoadMaster outfit and it has a charge wire or hot wire to the car for tail lights/ brake lights. We have a air brake outfit from them too with a air cylinder attached to a bracket under the seat. Had CW install and purchased from them since anything ever goes wrong there are a lot of CWs out there.