Forum Discussion

Deputy_Chief_P_'s avatar
May 31, 2013

2014 Jeep Patriot (Manual Transmission)

We have been RVing since 1999, and are not very experienced towing a dinghy. Since we recently retired and are traveling more of a distance from home, we decided to equip ourselves with a tow vehicle. Pursuant to the recommendation of the "Hitch House" (business that does baseplate and tow bar installation), we installed a blue ox base place with an adapter that accomodates a Demco tow bar.

We are towing a Jeep Patriot (3200 lbs) behind a 2003 Pace Arrow Motorhome. Just got it set up yesterday. Is there anything we should know or be aware of to avoid any problems or difficulties. Definitely felt a difference towing vs. not towing. I am wondering if a supplemental bake system would be necessary. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  • You should really have a braking system on your Jeep. Several are available. Lots of opinions. I use the Blue Ox Patriot braking system. Follow directions for towing Jeep in your manual. I tow my manual tranny Jeep in 2nd gear & 4WD in nuetral. Many states not only require braking system but also a break away switch.
  • Have you checked the law on this in you state and in states you want to travel to.