Forum Discussion

hilldude's avatar
Oct 26, 2014

2014 Travel

With the camping season about over looks like we traveled 5000 mi.And $1800 for gas. Had a good year lots of camping and fun.7 camping trips,74 days total.
  • Just a slacker by Veebytes standards but my wife and I managed 6300+ miles and 50+ days in our popup Shadow Cruiser this Summer. Really was sad to put it in storage for the Winter.
  • Over 18000 miles & 170 days for us. That is an Alaskan trip then a 3000 mile loop around the SE states.
  • Just tallied up our last year of travel (we bought our Coleman TT in Oct. 2013, and just traded up to a Keystone Cougar 5'er). 6300 miles, 52 nights. I guess we really like this RV lifestyle!
  • 4huskers wrote:
    We went 5500 miles while on our last outing; love those month or longer trips. Here in Texas our camping season is pretty much year round.

    Well it kindof depends.

    The last time we RV'd in Texas it was August and we were in both the Panhandle and along the Gulf Coast. Boy, was the Gulf Coast hot and humid. The Panhandle was a bit easier to take because it was less humid - but not by much.
  • We went 5500 miles while on our last outing; love those month or longer trips. Here in Texas our camping season is pretty much year round.
  • Did you go any place exciting, stay in a really nice campground, or have any interesting or really fun experiences?