Well, when we were ordering our rig back in 2004, I opted to put the same 15k BTU unit in the back as was up front. Our system IS ducted, so that's definitely a benefit. BUT...even if you didn't have ducting, you could put a small floor fan in the bedroom and blow the cooler air up front if need be. Not as convenient, but it'll work.
Another thing to think about is the larger unit can cool a given space in less time, so if you've been on the road all day and the bedroom area is hot, the larger unit should cool it down quicker.
I believe you're from PA. If you stay in the northern part of the U.S., probably any additional cooling would be appreciated. But I can tell you that when we spent July & part of August down in Florida a few years back, there were some days we used every bit of the capacity of both A/Cs. The highs for the better part of a month were 93-98, with high humidity, and the lows at night were mid-80's. We had 5 people and 2 dogs in the rig, so lots of heat generated by breathing bodies! LOL
Lastly, when we were ordering, I figured that by having the same units front & back, that IF the front A/C decided to act up while we were out camping, we could probably swap the working rear A/C for the failed front A/C without having to do a full replacement. That could at least keep us going until we got home. We always travelled with the kids, so we really need a functioning A/C up front. Of course, once you plan for that problem, it never happens. LOL I probably shouldn't say this, but our two units have been pretty much trouble free since new, other than a relay got stuck around the 7 year mark or so.
I've always been of the mindset that it's better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. However, I understand what those are saying IF you do a lot of boondocking and it would be handy to run a unit off a small generator. Which I guess leads us to the question: Do you have a generator? The size of which might help make your decision for you.
Good Luck in your decision.