Lantley wrote:
Us out West wrote:
rk911 wrote:
tim1970 wrote:
I was wondering if anybody that has an RV wired for 50amp service carries a 30amp cord for when they know they will be at a campsite that only supports 30amps. It seems like it would be better than having to use the large 50amp cord. I guess I also need to know if you can even buy a 30 amp cord that will plug into an RV designed for 50 amps. (Is the connector the same?)
we carry a 50==>30 amp dogbone adapter for use in parks that don't offer 50-amp service. I doubt you'll find an RV that is wired for 50-amps but will let you plug in a 30-amp cord. that's what the adapters are for.
The 30 amp to 50 amp cord does exist no adapters needed.
Yes it only delivers 30 amp but it connects to the standard 50 amp RV twist connection
No need to carry extra power chords.
If the pedastal has 30 amp but not 50 amp here is what we have.
30M/50F AMP 18" Dogbone