Grit dog wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
jmanatee wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
The cover will just complicate the matter , getting the snow off the cover would probably be harder to do than the roof itself , plus the fact you most likely will ruin the cover . I’ve had the same issue here in Utah , I get right up there , and sweep it off with a heavy push broom . IMO just stay ahead of it .
Thanks for the info. I have always done it from the sides on a ladder, How slippery is the rubber in winter?
The rubber isn’t any more slippery, but the snow and ice is the same as anywhere else you :)might walk on it….
I’ll presume you’ve never covered it before. A frozen rv cover will not come off easily especially with a buildup of snow and some freeze thaw/ice on it.
Not to mention how to deal with it once it’s off and wet/frozen.
Since you said covered storage isn’t an option, Either sweep the fresh snow off it a few times potentially like you said you already do, or put a plastic tarp over the roof. And find something else to worry about besides a little snow blowing/melting off the roof when you leave town.
Grit , apparently in your short life you haven’t dealt much with snow being on the roof of an Rv . Get up there there sometime and deal with a bit of snow especially if left on there for awhile in the cold . You youngsters everything is simple . I’d invite you over , I’ll cover with a tarp , and let you deal with 6-12 inches of new snow , and you can pull the tarp off . I believe that was one of your great suggestions.
I believe it was my suggestion. But if have to tell you to pull most of the snow off first, I can see why you’re having trouble keeping up.
You’re right though. Not much snow in Alaska them couple winters I didn’t have a shop to store the camper in.
Hence my suggestion about the tarp. Snow sticks to a soft cover, doesn’t to a tarp. And yes walking on snow on a greased cookie sheet (plastic tarp) is pretty much a non starter. But it sure slides off easily when you’re standing next to the camper on a step ladder with a push broom. I mean, like, I think…I watched a couple YouTube videos….
If only I knew how to deal with snow….Maybe when I grow up and get more than 20 something years in the upper Midwest, a good decade plus in the Rockies, same in the Cascades and a couple years on the N Slope of AK and Anchorage I’ll figure it out….
Generally unlucky enough to be movin dirt or pouring concrete during the winter since it don’t snow much in those places, lol.
I did spend a couple years in Phoenix though….probably why my lack of experience is showing….
I quote your words " Either sweep the fresh snow off it a few times potentially like you said you already do, My suggestion on my first post on this matter . Rest of your quote " or put a plastic
tarp over the roof .
Now as you said I am having trouble keeping up , but all wanted is to invite you over with the plastic tarp or whatever you want to cover the roof with ,and it snowed a foot last night ,and I need to leave for Arizona this morning , and I got a foot of snow on top of that plastic tarp you suggested , or just some advice what to do .